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Angela Louise

Marketing Manager


Angela is a marketing manager at EZ Plumbing USA. She has a great interest in educating readers about various leakages that can happen in their home or offices through her articles. With extensive knowledge of water leak and slab leak detection techniques as well as HVAC systems, Angela wants to make readers aware about the warning signs indicating leakage and predictive AC and Heater maintenance and also how to fix them to refrain from dangerous and costly consequences.

Read articles to get more valuable information about detection and damages of water and slab leak repair, techniques to fix clogging, and installation and maintenance of AC & Appliance in San Diego.


drain cleaning
The Most Common Types of Drain Clogs Introduction: Nobody likes the idea of blocked plumbing lines, whether they transport water or waste. When plumbing water encounters a complete or partial barrier, it will redirect itself, resulting in a variety of effects ranging from backups and floods to delayed drainage and low pressure. While some problems are small […]
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water heater repair
9 Common Causes for Water Heater Leaks The effects of a water heater leak in a home are usually serious. Water damage affects floors, walls, and precious items if the leak continues for a lengthy period of time. Leaks must be repaired promptly, yet homeowners are often unaware of their origin or cause. However, knowing this information […]
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emergency sump pump repair
8 Common Sump Pump Problems & How To Fix It A sump pump is majorly used to protect your commercial or residential property from flooding and excessive water buildup. Even if you live in an area where there is no chance of flooding, a sump pump can help reduce or even avoid the formation of excess moisture in your property’s […]
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restore water damage in home with advanced equipments
What to expect from water removal service by professional Introduction: Restoration from water damage is a process of converting your house into its original state after the occurrence of the crisis. Water damage might cause huge damage not only to your physical wealth but also to your mental state. At first, you might be thinking of conducting the process […]
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AC installation by expert technician
What to expect during an air conditioner maintenance Introduction: Regular maintenance of your air conditioner is very important for you to breathe fresh and cool air. It doesn’t matter if your AC is a split or window air conditioner; every appliance needs its own maintenance service. Normally, air conditioners need to be serviced annually. Proper maintenance of your […]
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removing hair from drains
How To Avoid Pesky Clogs In Drains? A clogged drain is one of the most annoying plumbing issues that most homeowners deal with at some point in their life. Drains indeed play an essential role in the home as they carry wastewater and various other debris down to the sewer tank or septic tank. However, if the […]
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water pressure regulator repair by professionals
6 Common Causes Of Low Water Pressure Are you having problems with water pressure and looking for a replacement of the water pressure regulator? This situation can be frustrating sometimes. Does your bathtub take ages to fill up? It becomes pressurized before the water enters your property and is relieved from the tap! This pressure allows the […]
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Our team takes all COVID precautionary measures while working.
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